Self Promotion 4 - Special Lost Edition
My article, Insert Your Lost Pun Here: Is ABC's Ratings Phenomenon Losing Its Way? appears in this week's Strange Horizons. If you're coming here from there or have simply not made an exhaustive review of AtWQ's archives (and, really, why wouldn't you?), here are a few more posts in which I discuss this frustrating and increasingly disappointing show:
Otherwise, feel free to poke around the site--the 'Posts of Note' section to the right contains some good places to start.
UPDATE: You know, I don't know if I would have bothered to write a 2,000 word article about how Lost now sucks if I'd known that its executive producer was going to come out and say the exact same thing.
- The Television Novel: Thoughts and Musings
- Dear J.J. Abrams: A Lost Wish List
- In Honor of the Hiatus: Some Lost and Veronica Mars Thoughts
- What The Third Policeman Can Tell Us About Lost
- Down With Love Quadrangles: Why Charlie and Claire Are the Best 'Ship on Lost
Otherwise, feel free to poke around the site--the 'Posts of Note' section to the right contains some good places to start.
UPDATE: You know, I don't know if I would have bothered to write a 2,000 word article about how Lost now sucks if I'd known that its executive producer was going to come out and say the exact same thing.
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