Return of the Bride of Housekeeping

Those of you reading this blog off its LJ feed might have wondered why I've been so quiet this past week. Apparently, LJ thinks I'm fat. Neither of the entries I posted this week--a joint review of Richard Linklater's A Scanner Darkly and Darren Aronofsky's The Fountain, and an entry about Studio 60 on the Sunset Strip and Heroes--have shown up on the feed, and the excuse seems to be that they are 'too big'.

Yeah, I'm sure that's not going to keep causing problems.


Anonymous said…
What I've seen happen before when long posts don't get picked up on their own is that a short post "triggers" the feed, and it picks up the last four or five entries in a splurge. The Mumpsimus feed is particularly vulnerable to this.
chance said…
Heh - I just clicked over here wondering if I had missed you posting or if you had been quiet this week
What I've seen happen before when long posts don't get picked up on their own is that a short post "triggers" the feed

I was hoping that this post would do the trick, but so far no joy.
Anonymous said…
I thought you were on holiday or busy - I'll stop relying on that feed
Anonymous said…
The "too big" error is for the whole feed, rather than individual posts and the limit is 150KB so I guess a possible solution if blogger supports it is to trim the number of entries on the feed, making it more likely to stay under the limit.
Yeah, it's starting to look like the problem was that the feed file was holding on to a ridiculous number of posts (I suspect this has something to do with the switch to Blogger Beta). There doesn't appear to be an option to limit the number of posts in the blog's settings, but I'll dig around on Blogger's help site and see what I can find.

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