Strange Horizons Reviews, August 29-September 2

This week, Strange Horizons reprints Pat Cadigan's 1991 story "Home by the Sea," with an introduction by Tricia Sullivan and a retrospective article on Cadigan by Tanya Brown.  The reviews department joins in the fun with two pieces: a review of Cadigan's 2000 novel Dervish is Digital, by Nader Elhefnawy, and an essay about several of Cadigan's short stories from the 80s by Matt Cheney.  Kicking off September's reviews, meanwhile, is Sarah Monette with a review of the essay collection Teaching Science Fiction, edited by Andy Sawyer and Peter Wright, which Sarah finds interesting but hobbled by a failure to define what science fiction is.

September is also the Strange Horizons fund drive month.  The main fund drive page is here, and a list of prizes to be raffled off to donors is here (and updated throughout the month).  If you're able to, please consider donating, and helping to keep Strange Horizons--and its reviews department--going strong.

Shoutout to Erin Hodges. 


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