
In case you were wondering what the recent dearth of posts was down to.  Of course, now that mere trivialities such as ownership and mortgages have been dealt with, it's time to scale the peaks of renovating, decorating, moving...


Anonymous said…
Congratulations on the new home! I hope you'll be very happy there.
Gillian A
Anonymous said…
Wonderful! Congratulations.

Rich Horton
Anonymous said…
It is unsafe to post photos of keys, since they can be used to replicate the keys and break into your house.
Abigial's Mom said…
Not to worry.

My job first thing tomorrow is to bring a locksmith to replace the locks -- they are old and need repairing in any case.
Anonymous said…
Raz Greenberg said…
Having moved an apartment myself in the past two weeks, I know what a pain it can be. Eagerly awaiting new posts once you have the time for them :-)

-Raz Greenberg
Thanks, everyone!

Raz, you mentioned your upcoming move last time we met - glad it's (mostly?) over. Right now, I'm in pre-move mode, and so less busy (though I am that) than preoccupied, all my mental real estate taken up with plans and lists. If you woke me up in the middle of the night I'd probably start obsessing about how to set up the living room - of course, I already know where the bookcases should go.
Peder said…
Yay, congrats!
MisterMumi said…
George Pedrosa said…
You know, I think Abigail's Mom should comment more often, I really like her interventions.

Congratulations on the new home, Abigail!
Jodie said…
Congratulations :D Hope you'll be happy there.
joe said…
speaking of movies.

abigail, you should really try the movie CHRONICLE which is about a bunch of kids who acquire superpower and is filmed in a found-footage format. i'd be really curious about your thoughts on it.
I wrote about Chronicle for Strange Horizons, Joe. The review is here.

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