Recent Movie Roundup 17
'Tis the season for lots and lots of interesting movies to finally make their way to the movie theater, and for me to glut myself in preparation for the long hot months of box-office friendly summer. Weirdly, though, almost every film I've watched recently has been a lush, visually adventurous and not entirely successful novel adaptation. Must be something in the water. There are some more straightforward films coming up ( Argo , The Silver Linings Playbook , Flight , though also fare like Les Miserables and Holy Motors ), but for the time being here are my thoughts on this strangely similar group of movies. The Hobbit: An Unexpected Journey (2012) - One of the things I most admired about Peter Jackson's Lord of the Rings trilogy was that the films felt less like straight-up adaptation of the book and more like a synthesis of the material into a new form. I liked some of the choices expressed in that synthesis more than others (and there were others still th...