2010, A Year in Reading: Best and Worst Books of the Year
Calendars are arbitrary things, and the milestones they force on us occasionally get in the way of the ones we'd like to note. This was the case with me as I prepared to sum up the year's reading. In terms of my reading, the calendar switch finds me in the middle of too many things: for the last month I've been engaged in a reading project that will take me into the next month at least, which I'd rather not write about until its completion, and the biggest change to my reading habits in 2010 was the purchase of a Kindle, but as I've only had it for a few weeks I'd like to wait a while longer before discussing my reaction to it. It would be a lot more convenient for me, in other words, if 2010 could keep from ending for another month. Alas, that's not to be, so--with an apology if I seem not quite as into the whole list-making process as I've been in previous years--let's look at 2010's reading. I read 63 books this year, a slight uptick fro...