Recent Reading Roundup 31

As I recently mentioned , one of the effects of scrambling for homeownership has been that I've had very little headspace for anything else. It's not just writing that has fallen by the wayside but also reading, and often these days I find myself more contented with some cheesy TV at the end of the day than a good book. Hopefully that will change in the coming weeks, and I'll soon have more substantial things to write about my reading, but here are the few books that I have managed to read this year. The Grand Sophy by Georgette Heyer - Whenever I chance upon a discussion of Heyer's Regency romances, the impression that forms is of Jane Austen methadone. This isn't entirely an alluring description--it conjures images of an author who replicates the frothy surface of Austen's novels without dipping into the acid that lies just beneath it. In my first foray into Heyer's writing late last year, with Cotillion , that is indeed what I found, but Cotillion ...