Where's the Fun? Doctor Who Thoughts
For the last couple of weeks I've been trying to put into words just why I've found the most recent and just-concluded season of Doctor Who so underwhelming. What's standing in my way is the fact that somewhere around the second season I lost the ability to think or write critically about the show. Oh, I've produced the occasional piece , but what they've all had in common was an emphasis on a single character or plot arc that I could get a handle on, while the show as a whole seemed to elude my grasp. From the moment it exploded onto our screens in 2005, New Who 's defining characteristic seemed to be its cheerful and relentless determination to ignore all the rules of good writing in favor of spectacle and, as Jackson Lake so accurately put it in "The Next Doctor," wonderful nonsense. Russell T. Davies came out and said that he wasn't interested in coherent plots or nuanced characterization or subtle moments, that what he wanted was to eli