The 2016 Hugo Awards: A Few Thoughts as Nominations Open
On Wednesday, the good folks at MidAmericon II announced the beginning of the nominating period for the 2016 Hugo awards, which will run until March 31st. If you're like me, you've maybe been treasuring the period of relative peace and quiet since last year's Hugos were announced at the end of August, and are a little hesitant to launch yourself back into the conversation that surrounds these awards--which may, or may not, end up as fraught and starkly political as it was last year. Let us, however, try to remember that nominating and voting for the Hugos can--and should--be fun, a way of discovering and discussing what was excellent and worth recognizing in last year's genre conversation. To that end, here are a few points of order, and pointers, for those of you thinking of, or planning to, nominate in the Hugos. First, a note on eligibility. You are eligible to nominate for the 2016 Hugo awards if you are An attending or supporting member of Sasquan, the 2