Recent Movie Roundup 26
I haven't seen a lot of people take note of this--and what with everything else going on, that's hardly surprising--but 2017 is shaping up to be a really good movie year. Specifically, the genre/action/adventure movies this year has served up have been genuinely strong and enjoyable, from envelope-pushing fare like Logan , Get Out , and Colossal , to well-made, thoughtful variations on familiar formulas like Wonder Woman . (This is especially noticeable in comparison to 2016, which in terms of its movie offerings pretty much peaked with Deadpool .) I didn't love all of the movies discussed in this post, but I enjoyed all of them, and more than that, I admired their attempts to do something different, even if in some cases those attempts didn't quite work for me. In a movie scene that seems increasingly governed by formula and last year's successes, it's heartening to see so many idiosyncratic efforts, and hopefully their success bodes well for the future.