Recent Reading Roundup 51

The first few weeks of 2020 have mostly involved catching up with stuff from 2019. I've been watching a lot of TV from the end of the year (I have some thoughts on the fourth season of She-Ra and the Princesses of the Power , and the debut season of The Witcher , on my tumblr) and I wrote a summary of my reading over the just-concluded decade at Lawyers, Guns & Money . This post has been an open tab for a while, covering books read in the later parts of last year (including several that already made it into the year's best list last month). I'm glad to finally be able to clear it off the decks--not only are these great books that you should be looking out for, but doing so also means that I can start looking forward to 2020's reading. The Nickel Boys by Colson Whitehead - The much-anticipated follow-up to Whitehead's The Underground Railroad is a short snapshot of a novel which fictionalizes the real Dozier School for Boys, a Florida reformatory infa...