Worldcon Fair
In a few hours I'll be getting on a plane, and then several hours after that I'll be getting on another plane, and the end results of this will hopefully be that some time tomorrow I'll be in Chicago for this year's Worldcon. I haven't written that much about Worldcon or the Hugos this year (I'll leave it as an exercise to the reader to guess why, on the latter front), and I'm not participating in any panels or events (though I'll be at the Strange Horizons tea party on Saturday), but I'm very much looking forward to meeting people I haven't seen in a while (or at all) and to the convention itself. Last time I was at Worldcon I came away very invigorated about my participation in fandom and about the genre in general, which is something I could use right now. I'll have what I suspect will be a long and detailed report some time after my return at the end of next week. Between now and then, I will most likely see blog comments but not re