Stargate: Universe, Season 1
In the eighth episode of Stargate: Universe 's first season, "Time," the characters discover, on a planet they've never been to before, one of the recording devices used on their ship, Destiny. On it are images of themselves experiencing events that never happened, and eventually being killed by aliens. Eli Wallace (David Blue), a math whiz only recently introduced to the concept of traveling to other planets through the stargate, incredulously asks whether they are looking at images from an alternate universe, but the other characters respond only with derisive silence. It's a moment that neatly sums up the wrongfooting strangeness of the third Stargate series. Alternate universes, after all, were commonplace in the two previous installments in the franchise, Stargate: SG-1 and Stargate: Atlantis . Characters traveled to and from them, whole episodes were set in them, a ship was even constructed to travel between them. Why then do the other scientists and