The 2009 Hugo Awards: My Hugo Ballot
The deadline for submitting Hugo nominations is this Saturday, and at this point my ballot is more or less complete. I'm hoping to get the chance to finish reading Matter before I have to send in my nominations, though at this point that seems unlikely, and of course any short fiction that suddenly gains great acclaim (and is available online) will warrant a glance (so by all means make your suggestions if you have any). These aren't all the categories I plan to nominate in--for example, I've only read one book that qualifies for Best Related Work this year, Farah Mendlesohn's Rhetorics of Fantasy , and though I do plan to nominate it I hardly think a field I'm so poorly read in is worth talking about much. Still, in the major fiction and A/V categories, my nominees are: Best Novel: I've only read a few of the novels eligible for this category, and of them only one, Anathem , excites me and feels worthy of the Hugo. Which in itself is unexciting as this is p