Five Comments on Iron Fist
Marvel and Netflix's latest series dropped this past weekend, a week and a half after the pre-air reviews pretty much savaged it, calling it the partnership's (if not the MCU's) first complete dud. What I found particularly damning about Iron Fist 's reviews was their uniformity. When one reviewer gives you a pan, you can blame the reviewer. When a dozen reviewers give you pans that all make exactly the same criticisms--a dull and unsympathetic lead performance, an increasing emphasis on an unappealing villain, storylines that focus too much on boardroom shenanigans, lousy fight scenes--you've probably got a turkey on your hands. Having watched the entire first season of Iron Fist , my only quibble with the reviewers is that most of the flaws they ascribe to the show were also present in the second season of Daredevil , which received generally favorable notices. In fact, it's not so much that Iron Fist is worse than Daredevil 's second season, as that