Avengers: Infinity War
#AvengersInfinityWar is the DC superhero movie of the MCU. — Abigail Nussbaum (@NussbaumAbigail) April 28, 2018 For the last ten years, Marvel Studios has been doing the impossible. Just look at the list of decisions they've made on the road to total dominance of the movie box office, Hollywood's action-adventure machine, and sizable chunks of the cultural conversation. Every one of them, at the time it was made, elicited loud cries of "why?", and more importantly, "how?" How can Marvel create a movie universe without the rights to tentpole heroes like Spider-Man and the X-Men? How can they launch their new franchise with C-list weirdos like Iron Man and Thor? How can they create a successful team-up movie combining the heroes of five previous films? How can they incorporate genuinely out-there concepts like the Guardians of the Galaxy, Doctor Strange, and Ant-Man into their burgeoning cinematic universe? How can they re-incorporate Spider-Man in