2018, A Year in Reading: Best Books of the Year
I read 96 books in 2018. Even allowing for the fact that that number is inflated by quicker reads like graphic novels and standalone novellas, that's an impressive haul, maybe the highest number since I started keeping track on this blog. Unfortunately, there was a bit of a quantity-over-quality attribute to this year's reading. A lot of books that I was expecting to enjoy turned out to be only so-so. In particular, when looking over the year's reading log to prepare for this post, I was struck by how few genre books came close to making the cut. As you'll see below, there are only two blatantly SFF books on the best books list, and only one of them was published by a genre publisher. I'm not sure if it's related, but this has also been one of the most up-to-date reading years in my life. Nearly half the books I read in 2018 were published this year, and another third in 2017. This didn't use to be the case for me, but as ebooks have made immediate