Review: The Rosewater Redemption by Tade Thompson, at The Guardian
I have a short review of Tade Thompson's The Rosewater Redemption at The Guardian . This is the concluding book in the Wormwood trilogy, whose first volume, Rosewater , was published as a standalone novel in 2016, then republished in the UK by Orbit last year (it went on to win the Clarke award earlier this year). The second volume, The Rosewater Insurrection , was also published this year, which is going to cause some issues come award-nominating time. This is a trilogy that deserves to be recognized by awards, but I'm really not sure which volume I prefer (maybe this is finally a justification for the best series Hugo category). Since I have more space (and fewer limitations on things like spoilers) on my own blog, I'd like to elaborate a little on the review, and particularly the sense I got that the Wormwood trilogy changed as it expanded from a standalone to a series. When I first read Rosewater (and even more so when I reread it last month, in preparation for