By now you've probably heard about Veronica Mars 's cancellation. Michael Ausiello has it from the horse's mouth . Everyone always says that it's better for a show to die at its peak, rather than linger for an unnaturally long life, hemorrhaging quality and viewers. That's usually true, but it less painful--for the viewers--when a show dies at a midpoint between these two stages--when it's still good, but no longer as transcendentally excellent as it once was. I was pleased with this season's opening mystery arc, but less impressed with the murder mystery, whose handling I found aimless and half-hearted. Worst of all, when the time came for the standalone episodes (two of which have been quite good), I found myself caring a great deal less than I thought I would. I was ready to let go. The truth is, Mars 's writers never worked out how to extend their series into a multi-season format. They tried replicating the first season and discovered that lighteni...