Laugh to Keep From Crying: Thoughts on Treme
For about as long as I've been writing about television, people have been urging, exhorting, and begging me to watch The Wire . And those who weren't making personal appeals were shouting the demand from the mountain top, calling The Wire the best series in the history of television, a medium-transcending work of fiction, a masterpiece so excellent that it could cure leprosy, heal the lame and sick, restore sight to the blind, and do just about anything else except win an Emmy. I've resisted these increasingly hysterical pleas for a variety of reasons. At first, because a cop show, no matter how excellent, just didn't appeal to me. Later, because the volume of available material had ballooned past the point where I could imagine easily catching up to the show. At this point, with the show so thoroughly built up, I find the thought of watching it a little daunting. Imagine being the only television reviewer to dislike The Wire , or think that it is ju...