Today's Happy Thing

My review of the essay collection With Both Feet in the Clouds, edited by Hagar Yanai and Danielle Gurevitch, has been nominated for the 2010 BSFA award in the best non-fiction category.  It joins a ballot made up of two blogging projects (Paul Kincaid's four-part discussion of the 2010 Hugo nominees at the group blog Big Other and Adam Roberts's epic review cycle of Robert Jordan's The Wheel of Time), Francis Spufford's Red Plenty, a work of creative nonfiction (which Farah Mendlesohn and Niall Harrison insist is actually a novel), and Gary K. Wolfe and Jonathan Strahan's Coode Street Podcast.  A slightly crazy and mismatched set, which I think is about right, as it gets at the way that the science fiction community has been using the internet, in its various guises, to proliferate opinions and criticism, while leaving space for traditional publishing.  I don't expect to win, nor do I think that I should--as pleased as I am by how the Clouds review came out, I don't think that it can stand up to the breadth of material represented by the other nominees--but the nomination put a big smile on my face.  So thank you, everyone who nominated, and have fun voting!


Raz Greenberg said…
Congrats! Mazal Tov!
Rani said…
Unknown said…
Happy happy thing, Abigail!
Nathaniel Katz said…

I'm not a Hugo voter, but I'll just say that I enjoyed the piece very much. It's made sure that, if the book is ever released in English, I'll be reading it.

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