Review: Surface Detail by Iain M. Banks
My review of Iain M. Banks's latest Culture novel, Surface Detail, appears today at Strange Horizons. My reaction to this book is almost the exact opposite of my reaction to X-Men: First Class--if the film frustrated me by suggesting that the desire for vengeance is never justified, the book is so busy decrying what it views as greater evils that it stakes out a positive attitude towards killing for revenge that I ultimately found quite disturbing.
If you're interested in my other reviews of Banks novels, they can be found here.
If you're interested in my other reviews of Banks novels, they can be found here.
Though I'm sure that my religious background affects many of my opinions and judgments, in this case I'm influenced more by my politics. As I wrote in my review of the film, what I sense at its core is a rejection of moral outrage, which I find much more problematic because it's an echo of something that happens in the real world, whereas Banks's revenge fantasy is more easily recognizable as such.
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