On Molly Gloss and "The Grinnell Method"
Over at io9, I have a piece about Molly Gloss and her story "The Grinnell Method," published at Strange Horizons in September. As I write there, Gloss is a writer whose style and preoccupations should make her a perfect fit for fans of, among other authors, Karen Joy Fowler, and "The Grinnell Method" in particular reminds me a great deal of Fowler's "What I Didn't See." Which is to say that it's an excellent story, and that I hope to see it getting more attention as we move into award season. Click over to io9 to see why.
I mention several of Gloss's novels in the article. Of those, the one that is probably most like "The Grinnell Method" is Wild Life, about a pioneer woman who goes looking for a lost child and possibly finds Bigfoot. I also enjoyed The Hearts of Horses, about a young female horse-trainer in the early 20th century (which is not SFnal at all), and The Dazzle of the Day, about life on a generation starship crewed by Quakers.
Of course, what I'd really love to be able to recommend is a collection of Gloss's short fiction, but for that, we need an enterprising publisher to pick up the gauntlet...
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