Jurassic World
Jurassic World is a pretty bad movie. What's interesting about it, however, is that the reasons for its badness are, for the most part, the reasons it should have been good. With only a few exceptions, the ideas that went into Jurassic World , the fourquel-slash-reboot of Steven Spielberg's paradigm-defining 1993 blockbuster, are solid and interesting. The basic premise of the movie--that twenty years on, people have come to take resurrected dinosaurs for granted, forcing the titular park's managers to concoct new, scarier hybrid species--is not only believable, but carries on the entertaining meta-component of the original movie. In 1993, the embryonic CGI with which Spielberg brought dinosaurs to life was a shocking technological development, but nowadays filmmakers take abilities he couldn't even dream of as a matter of course. Jurassic World 's executives, then, stand in for every Hollywood producer who thought they could make up for the absence of a ...