
Showing posts from August, 2015

The 2015 Hugo Awards: Thoughts On the Results

It's 6hrs before the Hugos. I am going to bed, but before that I will make this public prediction: I think the pups are going to be trounced — Abigail Nussbaum (@NussbaumAbigail) August 22, 2015 This year's Hugo results are a landmark occasion: they are the closest I've ever come to guessing the entire slate of winners.  In an informal poll last week among friends (which I'm now kicking myself for not putting on twitter) I guessed all but three of the winners, and in two of those categories, Best Novel and Best Novelette, I had the winner as a strong second choice (the only real surprise?  Best Dramatic Presentation, Short Form.  I was sure that the--inexplicable, to me--love for Doctor Who 's "Listen" would carry the day, and didn't think Orphan Black would even be in the running). I'm mentioning this not so much to brag, but to make the point that this year's results --in which the by-now infamous puppy campaigns were soundly defeated,...