Jessica Jones, Season 3
The third season of Jessica Jones was released with little fanfare this weekend, bringing both the series and the Netflix MCU to a close. It's not a very good season of television (and the things about it that are good were done better in the flawed but still quite interesting second season), but watching it can help clarify some points for those of us who have watched the Netflix MCU's experiment with "street level" superheroes, who have adult problems and psychologies, curdle into a mass of samey conversations, runaround plots, and indifferent visuals. Put simply, the third season of Jessica Jones makes a powerful argument that we never really understood what this show was about. And what it was actually trying to accomplish seems, in retrospect, not really worth the attempt. The third season picks up some time after the end of the second. Jessica is still estranged from Trish following the latter's murder of Jessica's violent, murderous mother Alisa...